Update (birds and blooms) – May 2, 2013

We have three tree species in bloom that are worth the visit to the park. Both yellowwoods in Waterford are displaying their wisteria-like spectacular blooms. On the hill in Waterford further toward Rt. 15 are two horse chestnut ‘Briotti’ with their huge red blossoms.  The fringetree on the hill near the Meadowdale entrance is also wonderful.

Along the path the wood phlox and geranium are low to the ground, many cranberry viburnum bushes and arrowwood viburnum with white blooms are visible, our one mapleleaf viburnum has small white flowers and the blackberries are in flower. The native columbine is just about finished but some red blooms remain. In the woods the waterleaf with its small blossoms is still blooming, lots of them. While weeding near the path a couple of weeks ago we discovered a stand of solomon seal thriving.

If you get to the park, you may see some of the birds observed today by our expert birder. Below is the list he sent to me.  Look especially on the hill between Meadowdale and our shed at the multi-stemmed serviceberry – it attracts waxwings, robins, catbirds, all the birds that can swallow its pea-sized red berries. It is one of the earliest good berry trees.

Great Blue Heron
Red-tailed Hawk
Mourning Dove
Chimney Swift
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Blue Jay
Fish Crow
Tree Sparrow
House Wren
Cedar Waxwing
Song Sparrow
House Finch
House Sparrow

– Ginny