Misc. Park News – Oct 25, 2018

First, a couple of photos showing what the worker bees are up to these days. The woods paths had gotten overgrown in spots. Also those plants with the nasty hitchhiker seeds that get all over our clothes were growing along the path. Joe weed-whacked and Margaret and I clipped off the hitchhikers. We also clipped about half of the walnut trees that have sprouted in the meadow, put a little herbicide on the fresh cuts and took the sprouts to the brush pile.

We are also preparing for a Scout outing Nov. 3. Near the middle bridge you can see orange and yellow tape on honeysuckle to be pulled. There is also English ivy and invasive fall clematis there. Be prepared for a transformed area Nov. 3. Notice we do not remove anything close to the stream – we do not want to disturb the soil there so we stay about 20 feet away.

Finally, the stream project should begin soon, start in November, complete stream work by March 1. So lots of activity over the winter.

Poor fall color except for the dogwoods that are a nice shade of deep red/burgundy. Maybe some later trees will brighten the park but I hear the outlook is not good for this year.
