Waterford Park Now a Bay-Wise Property!

xwThe Chesapeake Bay is in trouble due to pollution and sediment in runoff that eventually drains into the Bay. Most Maryland residents live within a half-mile radius of a drainage ditch, storm drain, stream, or river, and what we do to maintain our own landscapes can affect the health of the Bay and our environment. The Bay-Wise Residential Landscape Management program was developed by the University of Maryland as part of the Maryland Master Gardener program. These trained volunteers help citizens create healthier gardens and landscapes using sustainable practices. Private and public properties like Waterford Park which demonstrate such practices can be certified as “Bay-Wise” by first filling out an application and Bay-Wise Yardstick. Specially trained Bay-Wise Master Gardeners will then visit the property and determine if it meets the requirements. If so, a handsome Bay-Wise sign will be given.

This spring, Waterford Park applied to be a certified as a Bay-wise property. We completed the forms and toured the park with the committee from the Frederick County Master Gardeners (pictured). Their group also held one of their monthly meetings here where a large group of us walked the park together, identifying plants, discussing the work of Friends of Waterford Park and enjoying a walk in the woods on a fine late spring day. We are pleased to participate in this worthy program. More about Bay-Wise...