Tree Planting April 23, 2016: What Fun!

Check out the below picture of almost all of the 37, yes indeed, 37 volunteers who came out Saturday, April 23rd, to plant the 50 container plants we purchased with grant funds from MUCFC (MD Urban and Community Forest Committee) funds.

Regular FWP volunteers were joined by a Middletown brownie troop and Hood students organized by the Biology Honor Society.

Construction of the shared use path is in the open areas; this grant funded trees that grow in the understory where we have cleared invasives.

Species planted included: American and Eastern hornbeams, red maple, pagoda dogwood, Henry Garnet sweet spire, gray dogwood and witchhazel.  In open spaces we planted silver maple, basswood and sycamore.

As always, Joanne Leathery provided brownies and cookies for the post-planting gathering. We had everything planted, watered, papered and mulched in just a little over an hour.

Andy Driscoll, FWP volunteer and professional arborist, demonstrated proper planting of container trees. He showed us to rough up the rootball and cautioned us not to plant too deep. Thanks, Andy.

Thanks to all, especially to Lesley and Kevin who put in hours of prep work Wed. – Friday.

